The ruler of Scorpio is Pluto [yes, even though it was demoted from being a planet]. Prior to the discovery of the ninth planet, Scorpio was ruled by Mars, which is still considered its co-ruler. Pluto is considered to be the higher octave of Mars, but it is actually much, much more. Pluto is a […]
November 2019 Newsletter
After a seemingly tranquil summer, we’re heading into a Mercury Retrograde the first day of November. Luckily this is the last of three Mercury retrogrades in 2019. Everyone can breathe a small sigh of relief that the holidays won’t be marred by Retrogrades from the 4th circle of Hell. 11/1/19 Mercury goes retrograde in Scorpio […]
October 2019 Newsletter
As Fall takes off, we really don’t have a lot of drama as far as planetary transits and retrogrades. Some might call it a benign month astrologically, but prepare for a few bumps during the month. Both Venus and Mars will be transiting signs that are not compatible with their energy. It’s called the “Detriment” […]
Sun Sign Series – Libra
As the seasons change, so the Cardinal Sun signs are ushered in, and as Fall begins, Libra is the Sun Sign that rules. The Four Cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, and each initiates a season. Aries for Spring, Cancer for Summer, Libra for Fall, and Capricorn for Winter. Librans are born between […]
Deconates and Dwads by Steph Irish
After learning the basics of astrology, we often have an appetite for more specificity. That is where deconanates and dwads will become helpful. Depending on the degree of a sign a planet (or other point) finds itself in, it will be influenced even more by other signs and their ruling planets. By digging deeply enough, […]
September 2019 Newsletter
This month is pretty basic for transits, and there are no major events occurring. It bodes well for the end of summer and the beginning of fall. Wrapping up summer activities and projects and getting ready for the upcoming holidays, etc. So, here we go… 9/15/19 Mercury enters Libra: Mercury is so often misunderstood as […]